Users that have been assigned the Import permission may add leads to their account through the use of the import feature. To import leads you will be required to load a CSV (comma separated value) file from your computer. CSV files are typically generated from a spreadsheet application such as Excel or Open Office. If you are unsure about saving your list as a CSV from your particular application, please refer to that applications documentation for complete instructions


To import your lead list, first click the Leads Tab on the top right corner of the screen. The "Import" link is located next to "Add Lead" in the blue bar above your lead list.


Once you have selected this option, you will be able to choose a CSV file to be imported from your computer. Select the file and click "Next." Select your CSV file from your hard drive, then click "Next" to continue. 


Then you can map the fields from your import file to the fields in Open Leads by clicking on the field and choosing your Open Leads fields from a dropdown list. If you do not have a field that matches up with the data you are choosing to import, you can click on the "Add Field" link and create a new field instantly.



Once you have the fields mapped, you can then opt to add a user and/or a type for the imported records.



When you have determined that you have all the fields mapped, and the User and Type assignments in place, click "Import" to complete the process.

You can also choose to save and name the import schema if you plan on repeating this import on a regular basis.


NOTE: For the import feature to work properly, it is important have a clean CSV file that does not contain unnecessary data or rows or columns.


The best way to clean up your file is in your spreadsheet application - most users use Excel. Delete unnecessary columns and rows, and make sure each column is labeled clearly so that you will be able to reference it when you map your import. Then, once you are satisfied with your file, export it as a CSV. Be aware that there is a bug in Excel that may cause some problems. This is outlined on the Microsoft website. If you use another spreadsheet application, such as OpenOffice or use a Mac, this is not an issue.