How do I...?

Add a "Filter Group"
When adding filters to your lead list to display only certain leads (i.e. Leads from this month which Salesperson A is assigned to) situations may ari...
Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 3:51 PM
Search for a Lead by email address
The search function on the Leads List (or Leads Tab) only searches the data displayed, so in order to search for a lead by their email address, you must fir...
Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 3:51 PM
Send a single email to a Lead
To send a single email out of the system, click on the Lead you wish to email from the Lead List. If that lead has an active email address listed, you will ...
Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 4:34 PM
Add a file attachment or image to an email
Adding a file as an attachment or for embedding in the body of an email is managed from the email composition screen. To add an attachment to an email mess...
Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 4:06 PM
Send a mass email
Sending a Mass Email is a two step process. The first step is to determine your mail list using Filters and/or Views. Once you have selected your lis...
Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 3:53 PM
Use "Tokens" to personalize an email message
Personalize your message by using tokens which merge lead data into each email that goes out. Tokens can be inserted into the message body, or in the su...
Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 3:56 PM
Import Leads
Users that have been assigned the Import permission may add leads to their account through the use of the import feature. To import leads you will be requir...
Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 3:14 PM
Export Leads
The purpose of the export feature is to place your lead information into an outside application such as Microsoft Excel or a similar spreadsheet type applic...
Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 4:26 PM
Use "Status/Pipeline"
The Sales Pipeline and Status feature, which is located on the right side of the Lead Detail Screen,allows you to assign a Status (Cold, Warm, Hot, Clos...
Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 4:26 PM
Update my billing information
Account owners (the person who initially set up your Open Leads account) has access to a tab under Settings>Billing to update credit card info...
Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 4:27 PM